Sunday, April 17, 2016

April 10, 2016

  • Faith doesn't need to "feel"; it "knows."
  • Say, "The glory of the Lord will be manifested in this place today, and I will respond to it."
  • Church requires class participation.
  • "Believing" was not a part of your old nature.
  • God can't lie. If He said it; He'll do it.
  • A lot of services need to start with Hebrews 11 being read.
  • We don't need any more comedians or liars behind the sacred desk.
  • The difference between a "good" thought and a "God" thought, is "o".
  • Say, "I have faith."
  • It's the "liars" in your life that have trained you to doubt.
  • All we need is a Word from God.
  • We need to develop a "believing" nature.
  • God's plan is a plan of restoration.
  • Faith moves mountains.
  • Revelation comes from the Spirit of God moving.
  • If there was ever a time when the church needed to be sensitive to the Spirit of God moving; it's now.
  • You can't get enough teaching on faith.
  • God believed that what He said would happen; otherwise why would He say it?
  • Faith works!
  • I'm ready to pastor a congregation of mountain movers.
  • The promises of God are yes, and amen.
  • Wake up and say, "I have a promise coming."
  • Seek first the Kingdom.
  • My new attitude: I wish I could do more for you.
  • We have to start believing more that we are a giver, rather than a receiver.
  • How did Jesus do it? He spoke the words, and the Father in Him did the works.
  • It's not your job to worry about how God does it.
  • Your job? Believe and say.
  • Stop thinking you need to be good enough for God to talk to you. He's talking to you, right now!
  • I want people as jealous as they can be about The City of the Lord; and I want them to feel the same way about their church.
  • Why does God use me? Because He can.
  • The best time to "look good," is in bad times.
  • What's wrong with the church is it doesn't look like Jesus, and we're supposed to.
  • REPENTING of our WORDS which we "shouldn't" have said; negates them.
  • When people ask you how you feel, say "I'm doing fantastic!" Follow up  with, "Because of God."
  • Once you become selective (in your words), then you become effective.
  • We need to bless our children.
  • God means everything He says.
  • Speaking makes it come to pass.
  • Strong in faith; giving glory to God.
  • Jesus did what He did to make us "fruitful" people.
  • Meditate on a scripture, daily,
  • We have to stop being victim minded.
  • God wants us to be aggressive; not just reacting, but praying in advance.
  • Say, "I am a man/woman of faith."
  • Say, "I believe God "is," and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. The reward glorifies God.

Scriptures: click on to read

Isaiah 55:11
John 1:1
Genesis 1
Mark 11:22-24
Hebrews 10:36
2 Corinthians 1:20
Matthew 6:33
Romans 4:17
John 14:10
2 Corinthians 4:13
John 10:10
John 15:7