Sunday, July 31, 2011

July 17, 2011 Sunday

Thoughts to Ponder

Sunday, July 17, 2011

By faith, through praise and worship, we attract His presence.

In His presence is the reality of God.

We’re here to convince the world of Jesus.

Nothing proves the reality of God like His presence.

When we realize that He’s all that we have, we’ll recognize that He’s everything.

What makes the difference; that you discover the reality of God.

It’s either all true, or it’s a lie.

God’s the same. He doesn’t change.

We’re not about fulfilling a religious duty.

In this place we meet with God.

His presence is what makes the difference.

This is the word that I heard from the Lord this week…commitment.

The key to a relationship with God…honesty, commitment.

There’s power in the blood of the lamb.

Make sure what you say is life!

Start speaking life to your family. “You’re more than a conqueror!”

Watch what comes out of your mouth.

Let’s make it our goal to speak life.

God’s called the church to prevail.

Commitment: Can He count on you today?

I’m convinced that He’ll commit the whole Kingdom to us if we’ll commit…to Him.

God makes it all about us if we’ll make all about Him.

Tired of getting beat up? Then understand and realize you are a child of God!

Begin to declare and decree what God says is yours.

Use your mouth for good.

What’s important in your life is that the right thing comes out of your mouth.

“Shut up!” may be a victory in your life.

Everything you have demands a responsibility from you.

Start filling your heart with good things.

A proverb a day keeps stupidity away.

Some of what’s wrong with you is that you don’t understand.

The smaller the control, the better the situation.

Let life come out of your mouth.

You are already binding and loosing by what you say. Say good things.

Guard your gates (mouth, eyes, ears.)

“You” most definitely matter.