Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday, October 31, and November 1, 2010

Thoughts to Ponder

Sunday, October 31, 2010

You have no idea what God has planned for you this week.

Do you want to hear about Him, or do you want to spend time with Him?
I think when God’s presence shows up, He has a purpose.

Be aware of the fact you’re not the only one here.

Our top priority: waiting on God.

We need God to show up in the most desperate way.

You are not the official “feeler.”

I read the end of the book…we win!

I learned a long time ago; when “He” shows up, “I” back up.

Time’s about up!

It has to be God’s way, not our way.

40 seconds in His presence, versus 40 years of teaching.

You have no idea what you may face tomorrow.

God is our answer.

Drunk: under the influence. It’s better to be under the influence…of the Holy Ghost.

You came here for an opportunity to meet with God.

What’s gonna die? You’re way of living.

Jesus says, “Enough is enough!”

“America! God is our only hope!”

Bring your family into the boat.

The world’s about to see something they’ve never seen before.

I met God at “The City of the Lord.”

For your sake, join “His” church.

I always prepare something; but mostly I prepare…me.

God is not a respecter of persons.

We want to establish a place where people can meet with God.

We’ve seen and read so much, to live with so little.

We not only win; we win big!

When you surrender to God; that’s a good thing.

I’m praying, “more, Jesus, more!”

Are you ready to meet God?

Just surrender everything to God.

Monday, November 1, 2010

I heard the Lord say He’s been giving us seasons of training; making us aware of His presence.

“Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, declares the Lord.” …that never changes.

In His presence is His purpose.

If you stay connected to God you’ll have discernment like you’ve never had before.

The church is leaving the way it came.

You can’t give away what you don’t know you have.

God will not only lead you into something, but away from something.

If you’re not filled with the Spirit, how can you be led of the Spirit?

He’s desperate for us; for a people who will let Him move.

We’re lost without Him.

Our answer is in God.

Within 30 days, see if His presence/discerning doesn’t manifest in your life.

God needs a people who are “Spirit sensitive.”

Deception is the enemy’s greatest tool.

We’ve been made aware of the Lord’s presence.

There’s a generation that has to “live” to get there.

God’s gonna lead His people by His Spirit.

I just want it “real.”

The more real you want Him to be, the more real He’ll be.

Just as Israel is hated, so is the true church.

He’s causing us to be sensitive to the Spirit of God.

Start expecting to be led by the Spirit of God.

God will move in some of the strangest ways.