Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday, May 6, 2010

Thoughts to Ponder

Sunday, May 6, 2010

If the church isn’t about hope; what is it?

The quickest way to anything is a straight line.

Favor ain’t fair; but it’s coming your way!

If you’re not pointed towards Christ; you’re out of the will of God.

The enemy will do anything to distract you.

Distraction is the worst thing in the world.

The harvest is the shortest time.

Sometimes your own family won’t understand why you act the way you do.

I have to go to the Book!

Where are the people who will keep their word?!

Don’t leave your future…to your mind.

Favor ain’t fair.

If I’ve got a hope; I’ve got a future.

1. Where He’s (Christ) going; I’m going!

This place is going to become a blessing.

We’re going to become Kingdom minded.

“Money” is not my god; it’s my servant.

God has not changed; He’s the same.

You can’t expect God to do His part when you don’t do what He told you to do!

The God who keeps me is wonderful!

You have to take “another step” in order to get to the top.

2. You have to have the tenacity of Ruth.

This church isn’t for casual Christians; we want to go deeper.

God’s not nervous or worried about what He’s going to do next.

God’s bringing us to the place of harvest.

Say, “God brought me here for harvest time.”

God brought us in at the beginning of harvest, and we reap the whole thing.

What’s coming: favor that’s not fair.

We need to be a little smarter than our enemy.

Somebody this week finds grace and favor in someone’s sight.

3. Start speaking life!

Make up your mind; this week, something’s going to happen!

Hang up! If you “hang” with losers, you’ll eventually lose. “Hang” with winners.

Humility lifts up. Arrogance destroys.

God is no respecter of people.

Stop talking death.

Start using your mouth for the right thing.

Say what you want to happen.

Monday, May 17, 2010

I want to be always pleasing to the Lord

If we recognize the hour we’re living in, then it’s time to sell out to the Lord.

We need to find any excuse to do His will, rather than any excuse not to.

What warning do you live your life by?

If we’re not careful we’ll let down when we shouldn’t.

Jesus was successful through obedience.

God doesn’t want to bless you “more” to see you “less.”

Not prosperity “to” you, but “through” you.

“Wealth” is not a dirty word.

The right place at the right time.

God’s children don’t get lucky. The steps of a righteous man are ordered of the Lord.

Finding grace is a good thing.

God is usually the first voice you hear. The second voice is usually you, or the devil.

“Favor” does it’s best work when you’re in the right place at the right time.

Supernatural supply.

Your God has not forgotten you.

God’s got bigger ideas for you than you have for yourself.

Start focusing on your future, and not your past.

You’re living what you spoke yesterday.

Real grace is when we’re in the right place at the right time.

Don’t let anything distract you from what God wants you to do.

If you want what Ruth’s got, you have to do what Ruth did. She was committed.

If the enemy can use it, he “will” use it.