Sunday, September 25, 2011

September 11, 2011

Thoughts to Ponder

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The only solution is in God

You’re our only hope, Lord!

It’s time for another visitation

If my people, which are called by my name will humble themselves…

Let the mind of Christ be my mind.

It’s your desperation that limits how much of God you take with you

It’s great to hear about the Lord, but it’s better to meet Him.

The reason we gather together here is to meet with God.

One reason we don’t do more is that we don’t expect more.

Somebody somewhere has to hear from God, and someone has to believe.

You’re way more than you think you are.

Wisdom is the principle thing.

You are an ambassador

I don’t apologize for the truth.

Somebody has to tell the truth

You have authority!

He’s here with us. Stop ignoring Him!

God wants you to live right so that He can do more for you and through you.

You can’t live half heartedly for God and expect His best.

As an ambassador we have authority.

Stop griping and start turning to God.

God is seeking for a people that He can give His best to.

We represent God on this earth.

You represent God!

I dare a problem to show up when we realize who’s in us.

God doesn’t want you to live like Hell, because He wants you to represent heaven.

You have no idea what God’s fixing to do in your life.

God only wants to borrow from you so He can multiply it back.

He doesn’t have to do it the same this time as last time.

Now is not the time to play games with God.

You’re not only His ambassador, you’re His child!

Read your Bible and find out what God says about you.

God is not limited by the last way He took care of you