Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Jan 23, 2011

Thoughts to Ponder

Sunday, January 23, 2011

“Church” has to be about “Him.”

God loves you!

Nothing is impossible with God!

I love you; but I “need” Him

We’ve got to stop making it about religion, and more about “relationship.”

It’s got to be about Him

God’s got something better for me than I’ve got for myself.

If there was a time for “tough love”…it’s now!

If you can be talked out of it; you will be.

We need to get back to reading the word.

All we’ve got is being about the Father’s business.

The world changes; but the truth never does.

I sing so I don’t have to preach.

Somebody somewhere has got to make a difference.

If we stay close to Him, He’ll reveal things to us.

All we need; a word from God.

This is the message: Walk in the light. He is the light.

You either help the cause, or hurt it.

Where you are, is not where you’re going; it’s just the place where you start.

Do you think you can dream bigger than the Creator?

Come to church. Give your heart to God.

It’s about “Jesus!”

If we don’t make a difference; we’re not necessary.

Don’t faint; pray!

Recognize that you’re engaged.