Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday, June 12, and Monday June 13, 2010

Thoughts to Ponder

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Some of you have given up on some people. Keep praying! Don’t give up!

When we’re worshipping God, if you’re in your “right mind,” you’re in the wrong place.

We’re crossing borders today.

Read the sign. It says, “Welcome to the city of the Lord”

The place that God delights in, is a delightful place.

It’s time we became Christians.

Somebody somewhere has to say, “We’re going to be Christians!”

In these last days your trust better be in God.

We’re moving from Acts Chapter 2 to Acts Chapter 4.

It’s time we draw a line in the sand.

A Christian is someone God can blow up in at any time.

You always have to avoid being “religious”

He wants us to be righteous, not religious.

In this kingdom, we have our own language.

While the earth remains… “seedtime and harvest.”

The battle is over “the seed.”

Two things the enemy does. 1. Divide, and 2. Tries to kill the seed.

The secret to getting what God has through you, is through the seed.

If you can’t sow seed and expect a harvest, then the Book’s not true.

It will always be seedtime and harvest.

We can “seed” our way to wealth.

I’m not nuts. I believe!

When you give, expect to receive.

What’s coming is supernatural abundance.

What you’ve heard today, say it out loud.

When God tells you something to do; do it!

Monday, June 14, 2010

There’s a fine line between “religious,” and “right.”

Pattern: Desperate people seeking God; awaiting His presence and purpose.

The enemy’s trick: keeping us broke, and dividing us.

The church should be the strongest institution anywhere.

The foundation: The purpose of God.

God’s Purpose: That we would be a witness.

The work of God will always be judged by fire.

The pattern for the New Testament Church: Get our instructions from God.

My God cannot lie!

The Holy Spirit: God’s seal of approval. Earnest money.

The New Testament Church: Not knowing where they were going; being led by the Holy Spirit.

The foundation: A people who wait upon God.

We dedicate this place to you, O God.

Read the New Testament…and pray.